Source code for quail.decode_speech

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
import os
import base64
import json
import csv
import pickle
import time
import warnings
import pandas as pd

# optional imports for speech decoding
    from import speech
    from import types
    from import enums
    from pydub import AudioSegment
    from google.oauth2 import service_account

[docs]def decode_speech(path, keypath=None, save=False, speech_context=None, sample_rate=44100, max_alternatives=1, language_code='en-US', enable_word_time_offsets=True, return_raw=False): """ Decode speech for a file or folder and return results This function wraps the Google Speech API and ffmpeg to decode speech for free recall experiments. Note: in order for this to work, you must have a Google Speech account, a google speech credentials file referenced in your _bash_profile, and ffmpeg installed on your computer. See our readthedocs for more information on how to set this up: Parameters ---------- path : str Path to a wav file, or a folder of wav files. keypath : str Google Cloud Speech API key filepath. This is a JSON file containing credentials that was generated when creating a service account key. If None, assumes you have a local key that is set with an environmental variable. See the speech decoding tutorial for details. save : boolean False by default, but if set to true, will save a pickle with the results object from google speech, and a text file with the decoded words. speech_context : list of str This allows you to give some context to the speech decoding algorithm. For example, this could be the words studied on a given list, or all words in an experiment. sample_rate : float The sample rate of your audio files (default is 44100). max_alternatives : int You can specify the speech decoding to return multiple guesses to the decoding. This will be saved in the results object (default is 1). language_code : str Decoding language code. Default is en-US. See here for more details: enable_word_time_offsets : bool Returns timing information s(onsets/offsets) for each word (default is True). return_raw : boolean Intead of returning the parsed results objects (i.e. the words), you can return the raw reponse object. This has more details about the decoding, such as confidence. Returns ---------- words : list of str, or list of lists of str The results of the speech decoding. This will be a list if only one file is input, or a list of lists if more than one file is decoded. raw : google speech object, or list of objects You can optionally return the google speech object instead of the parsed results by using the return_raw flag. """ # SUBFUNCTIONS def decode_file(file_path, client, speech_context, sample_rate, max_alternatives, enable_word_time_offsets): def recognize(chunk, file_path): """ Subfunction that loops over audio segments to recognize speech """ # export as flac chunk.export(file_path + ".flac", format = "flac", bitrate="44.1k") # open flac file with open(file_path + ".flac", 'rb') as sc: speech_content = # initialize speech sample sample = types.RecognitionAudio(content=speech_content) # run speech decoding try: result = client.recognize(opts, sample) except ValueError as e: print(e) result = None return result opts = {} opts['encoding']=enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.FLAC opts['language_code'] = language_code opts['sample_rate_hertz'] = sample_rate opts['max_alternatives'] = max_alternatives opts['enable_word_time_offsets'] = enable_word_time_offsets if speech_context: opts['speech_contexts']=[types.SpeechContext(phrases=speech_context)] # read in wav audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(file_path) # segment into 1 minute chunks if len(audio)>60000: segments = list(range(0,len(audio),60000)) if segments[-1]<len(audio): segments.append(len(audio)-1) print('Audio clip is longer than 1 minute. Splitting into %d one minute segments...' % (len(segments)-1)) audio_chunks = [] for i in range(len(segments)-1): audio_chunks.append(audio[segments[i]:segments[i+1]]) else: audio_chunks = [audio] # loop over audio segments results = [] for idx, chunk in enumerate(audio_chunks): results.append(recognize(chunk, file_path+str(idx))) # return list of results return results def parse_response(results): """Parses response from google speech""" words = [] for result in results[0].results: alternative = result.alternatives[0] print('Transcript: {}'.format(alternative.transcript)) print('Confidence: {}'.format(alternative.confidence)) for word_info in alternative.words: word = word_info.word start_time = word_info.start_time end_time = word_info.end_time print('Word: {}, start_time: {}, end_time: {}'.format( word, start_time.seconds + start_time.nanos * 1e-9, end_time.seconds + end_time.nanos * 1e-9)) words.append((str(word).upper(), start_time.seconds + start_time.nanos * 1e-9, end_time.seconds + end_time.nanos * 1e-9)) return words # def parse_response(results): # """Parses response from google speech""" # words = [] # for idx, result in enumerate(results): # if result is None: # warnings.warn('No speech was decoded for segment %d' % (idx+1)) # words.append(None) # else: # try: # for segment in result: # for chunk in segment.transcript.split(' '): # if chunk != '': # words.append(str(chunk).upper()) # except: # warnings.warn('Error parsing response for segment %d' % (idx+1)) # # return words # MAIN ##################################################################### # initialize speech client if keypath: credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(keypath) scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['']) client = speech.SpeechClient(credentials=scoped_credentials) else: client = speech.SpeechClient() # make a list of files files = [] if path.endswith(".wav"): files = [path] else: listdirectory = os.listdir(path) for filename in listdirectory: if filename.endswith(".wav"): files.append(path + filename) # initialize list of words words = [] raw = [] # loop over files for i, f in enumerate(files): # print progress print('Decoding file ' + str(i+1) + ' of ' + str(len(files))) try: # start timer start = time.time() # decode file results = decode_file(f, client, speech_context, sample_rate, max_alternatives, enable_word_time_offsets) # parsing response parsed_results = parse_response(results) # save the processed file words.append(parsed_results) # save the processed file raw.append(results) if save: # save the raw response in a pickle pickle.dump(results, open(f + ".p", "wb" ) ) # save a text file with just the words pd.DataFrame(parsed_results).to_csv(f + '.txt', header=False, index=False) # print when finished print('Finished file ' + str(i+1) + ' of ' + str(len(files)) + ' in ' + str(round(time.time()-start,2)) + ' seconds.') # handle when something goes wrong except ValueError as e: words.append("Error") print(e) print('Decoding of file ' + str(i) + 'failed. Moving on to next file.') if return_raw: if len(words)>1: return raw else: return raw[0] else: if len(words)>1: return words else: return words[0]