Source code for quail.analysis.analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import six
from ..helpers import *
from ..distance import dist_funcs as dist_funcs_dict
from .recmat import recall_matrix
from .accuracy import accuracy_helper
from .spc import spc_helper
from .pnr import pnr_helper
from .lagcrp import lagcrp_helper
from .clustering import fingerprint_helper

analyses = {
    'accuracy' : accuracy_helper,
    'spc' : spc_helper,
    'pfr' : pnr_helper,
    'pnr' : pnr_helper,
    'lagcrp' : lagcrp_helper,
    'fingerprint' : fingerprint_helper,
    'temporal' : fingerprint_helper

# main analysis function
[docs]def analyze(egg, subjgroup=None, listgroup=None, subjname='Subject', listname='List', analysis=None, position=0, permute=False, n_perms=1000, parallel=False, match='exact', distance='euclidean', features=None, ts=None): """ General analysis function that groups data by subject/list number and performs analysis. Parameters ---------- egg : Egg data object The data to be analyzed subjgroup : list of strings or ints String/int variables indicating how to group over subjects. Must be the length of the number of subjects subjname : string Name of the subject grouping variable listgroup : list of strings or ints String/int variables indicating how to group over list. Must be the length of the number of lists listname : string Name of the list grouping variable analysis : string This is the analysis you want to run. Can be accuracy, spc, pfr, temporal or fingerprint position : int Optional argument for pnr analysis. Defines encoding position of item to run pnr. Default is 0, and it is zero indexed permute : bool Optional argument for fingerprint/temporal cluster analyses. Determines whether to correct clustering scores by shuffling recall order for each list to create a distribution of clustering scores (for each feature). The "corrected" clustering score is the proportion of clustering scores in that random distribution that were lower than the clustering score for the observed recall sequence. Default is False. n_perms : int Optional argument for fingerprint/temporal cluster analyses. Number of permutations to run for "corrected" clustering scores. Default is 1000 ( per recall list). parallel : bool Option to use multiprocessing (this can help speed up the permutations tests in the clustering calculations) match : str (exact, best or smooth) Matching approach to compute recall matrix. If exact, the presented and recalled items must be identical (default). If best, the recalled item that is most similar to the presented items will be selected. If smooth, a weighted average of all presented items will be used, where the weights are derived from the similarity between the recalled item and each presented item. distance : str The distance function used to compare presented and recalled items. Applies only to 'best' and 'smooth' matching approaches. Can be any distance function supported by numpy.spatial.distance.cdist. Returns ---------- result : quail.FriedEgg Class instance containing the analysis results """ if analysis is None: raise ValueError('You must pass an analysis type.') if analysis not in analyses.keys(): raise ValueError('Analysis not recognized. Choose one of the following: ' 'accuracy, spc, pfr, lag-crp, fingerprint, temporal') from ..egg import FriedEgg if hasattr(egg, 'subjgroup'): if egg.subjgroup is not None: subjgroup = egg.subjgroup if hasattr(egg, 'subjname'): if egg.subjname is not None: subjname = egg.subjname if hasattr(egg, 'listgroup'): if egg.listgroup is not None: listgroup = egg.listgroup if hasattr(egg, 'listname'): if egg.listname is not None: listname = egg.listname if features is None: features = egg.feature_names opts = { 'subjgroup' : subjgroup, 'listgroup' : listgroup, 'subjname' : subjname, 'parallel' : parallel, 'match' : match, 'distance' : distance, 'features' : features, 'analysis_type' : analysis, 'analysis' : analyses[analysis] } if analysis is 'pfr': opts.update({'position' : 0}) elif analysis is 'pnr': opts.update({'position' : position}) if analysis is 'temporal': opts.update({'features' : ['temporal']}) if analysis in ['temporal', 'fingerprint']: opts.update({'permute' : permute, 'n_perms' : n_perms}) if analysis is 'lagcrp': opts.update({'ts' : ts}) return FriedEgg(data=_analyze_chunk(egg, **opts), analysis=analysis, list_length=egg.list_length, n_lists=egg.n_lists, n_subjects=egg.n_subjects, position=position)
def _analyze_chunk(data, subjgroup=None, subjname='Subject', listgroup=None, listname='List', analysis=None, analysis_type=None, pass_features=False, features=None, parallel=False, **kwargs): """ Private function that groups data by subject/list number and performs analysis for a chunk of data. Parameters ---------- data : Egg data object The data to be analyzed subjgroup : list of strings or ints String/int variables indicating how to group over subjects. Must be the length of the number of subjects subjname : string Name of the subject grouping variable listgroup : list of strings or ints String/int variables indicating how to group over list. Must be the length of the number of lists listname : string Name of the list grouping variable analysis : function This function analyzes data and returns it. pass_features : bool Logical indicating whether the analyses uses the features field of the Egg Returns ---------- analyzed_data : Pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing the analysis results """ # perform the analysis def _analysis(c): subj, lst = c subjects = [s for s in subjdict[subj]] lists = [l for l in listdict[subj][lst]] s = data.crack(lists=lists, subjects=subjects) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[subj],[lst]], names=[subjname, listname]) opts = dict() if analysis_type is 'fingerprint': opts.update({'columns' : features}) elif analysis_type is 'lagcrp': if kwargs['ts']: opts.update({'columns' : range(-kwargs['ts'],kwargs['ts']+1)}) else: opts.update({'columns' : range(-data.list_length,data.list_length+1)}) return pd.DataFrame([analysis(s, features=features, **kwargs)], index=index, **opts) subjgroup = subjgroup if subjgroup else data.pres.index.levels[0].values listgroup = listgroup if listgroup else data.pres.index.levels[1].values subjdict = {subj : data.pres.index.levels[0].values[subj==np.array(subjgroup)] for subj in set(subjgroup)} if all(isinstance(el, list) for el in listgroup): listdict = [{lst : data.pres.index.levels[1].values[lst==np.array(listgrpsub)] for lst in set(listgrpsub)} for listgrpsub in listgroup] else: listdict = [{lst : data.pres.index.levels[1].values[lst==np.array(listgroup)] for lst in set(listgroup)} for subj in subjdict] chunks = [(subj, lst) for subj in subjdict for lst in listdict[0]] if parallel: import multiprocessing from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool p = Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) res =, chunks) else: res = [_analysis(c) for c in chunks] return pd.concat(res)