Source code for quail.load

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import zip
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
import json
import re
import csv
import pickle
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import deepdish as dd
from .egg import Egg, FriedEgg
from .helpers import parse_egg, stack_eggs

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table

def load(filepath, update=True):
    Loads eggs, fried eggs ands example data

    filepath : str
        Location of file

    update : bool
        If true, updates egg to latest format

    data : quail.Egg or quail.FriedEgg
        Data loaded from disk


    if filepath == 'automatic' or filepath == 'example':
        fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/data/automatic.egg'
        return load_egg(fpath)
    elif filepath == 'manual':
        fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/data/manual.egg'
        return load_egg(fpath, update=False)
    elif filepath == 'naturalistic':
        fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/data/naturalistic.egg'
    elif filepath.split('.')[-1]=='egg':
        return load_egg(filepath, update=update)
    elif filepath.split('.')[-1]=='fegg':
        return load_fegg(filepath, update=False)
        raise ValueError('Could not load file.')

def load_fegg(filepath, update=True):
    Loads pickled egg

    filepath : str
        Location of pickled egg

    update : bool
        If true, updates egg to latest format

    egg : Egg data object
        A loaded unpickled egg

        egg = FriedEgg(**
    except ValueError as e:
        # if error, try loading old format
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
            egg = pickle.load(f)

    if update:
        return egg.crack()
        return egg

[docs]def load_egg(filepath, update=True): """ Loads pickled egg Parameters ---------- filepath : str Location of pickled egg update : bool If true, updates egg to latest format Returns ---------- egg : Egg data object A loaded unpickled egg """ try: egg = Egg(** except: # if error, try loading old format with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: egg = pickle.load(f) if update: if egg.meta: old_meta = egg.meta egg.crack() egg.meta = old_meta return egg else: return egg.crack() else: return egg
def loadEL(dbpath=None, recpath=None, remove_subs=None, wordpool=None, groupby=None, experiments=None, filters=None): ''' Function that loads sql files generated by autoFR Experiment ''' assert (dbpath is not None), "You must specify a db file or files." assert (recpath is not None), "You must specify a recall folder." assert (wordpool is not None), "You must specify a wordpool file." assert (experiments is not None), "You must specify a list of experiments" ############################################################################ # subfunctions ############################################################# def db2df(db, filter_func=None): ''' Loads db file and converts to dataframe ''' db_url = "sqlite:///" + db table_name = 'turkdemo' data_column_name = 'datastring' # boilerplace sqlalchemy setup engine = create_engine(db_url) metadata = MetaData() metadata.bind = engine table = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # make a query and loop through s = rows = s.execute() data = [] for row in rows: data.append(row[data_column_name]) # parse each participant's datastring as json object # and take the 'data' sub-object data = [json.loads(part)['data'] for part in data if part is not None] # remove duplicate subject data for debugXG82XV:debug7XPXQA # data[110] = data[110][348:] # insert uniqueid field into trialdata in case it wasn't added # in experiment: for part in data: for record in part: # print(record) if type(record['trialdata']) is list: record['trialdata'] = {record['trialdata'][0]:record['trialdata'][1]} record['trialdata']['uniqueid'] = record['uniqueid'] # flatten nested list so we just have a list of the trialdata recorded # each time psiturk.recordTrialData(trialdata) was called. def isNotNumber(s): try: float(s) return False except ValueError: return True data = [record['trialdata'] for part in data for record in part] # filter out fields that we dont want using isNotNumber function filtered_data = [{k:v for (k,v) in list(part.items()) if isNotNumber(k)} for part in data] # Put all subjects' trial data into a dataframe object from the # 'pandas' python library: one option among many for analysis data_frame = pd.DataFrame(filtered_data) data_column_name = 'codeversion' # boilerplace sqlalchemy setup engine = create_engine(db_url) metadata = MetaData() metadata.bind = engine table = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # make a query and loop through s = rows = s.execute() versions = [] version_dict = {} for row in rows: version_dict[row[0]]=row[data_column_name] version_col = [] for idx,sub in enumerate(data_frame['uniqueid'].unique()): for i in range(sum(data_frame['uniqueid']==sub)): version_col.append(version_dict[sub]) data_frame['exp_version']=version_col if filter_func: for idx,filt in enumerate(filter_func): data_frame = filt(data_frame) return data_frame # custom filter to clean db file def experimenter_filter(data_frame): data=[] indexes=[] for line in data_frame.iterrows(): try: if json.loads(line[1]['responses'])['Q1'].lower() in ['kirsten','allison','allison\nallison','marisol', 'marisol ','marisiol', 'maddy','campbell', 'campbell field', 'kirsten\nkirsten', 'emily', 'bryan', 'armando', 'armando ortiz', 'maddy/lucy','paxton', 'lucy','campbell\ncampbell','madison','darya','rachael']: delete = False else: delete = True except: pass if delete: indexes.append(line[0]) return data_frame.drop(indexes) def adaptive_filter(data_frame): data=[] indexes=[] subjcb={} for line in data_frame.iterrows(): try: if 'Q2' in json.loads(line[1]['responses']): delete = False else: delete = False except: pass if delete: indexes.append(line[0]) return data_frame.drop(indexes) def experiments_filter(data_frame): indexes=[] for line in data_frame.iterrows(): try: if line[1]['exp_version'] in experiments: delete = False else: delete = True except: pass if delete: indexes.append(line[0]) return data_frame.drop(indexes) # this function takes the data frame and returns subject specific data based on the subid variable def filterData(data_frame,subid): filtered_stim_data = data_frame[data_frame['stimulus'].notnull() & data_frame['listNumber'].notnull()] filtered_stim_data = filtered_stim_data[filtered_stim_data['trial_type']=='single-stim'] filtered_stim_data = filtered_stim_data[filtered_stim_data['uniqueid']==subid] return filtered_stim_data def createStimDict(data): stimDict = [] for index, row in data.iterrows(): try: stimDict.append({ 'text': str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]), 'color' : { 'r' : int(re.findall('rgb\((.+)\)',row['stimulus'])[0].split(',')[0]), 'g' : int(re.findall('rgb\((.+)\)',row['stimulus'])[0].split(',')[1]), 'b' : int(re.findall('rgb\((.+)\)',row['stimulus'])[0].split(',')[2]) }, 'location' : { 'top': float(re.findall('top:(.+)\%;', row['stimulus'])[0]), 'left' : float(re.findall('left:(.+)\%', row['stimulus'])[0]) }, 'category' : wordpool['CATEGORY'].iloc[list(wordpool['WORD'].values).index(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]))], 'size' : wordpool['SIZE'].iloc[list(wordpool['WORD'].values).index(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]))], 'wordLength' : len(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0])), 'firstLetter' : str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0])[0], 'listnum' : row['listNumber'] }) except: stimDict.append({ 'text': str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]), 'color' : { 'r' : 0, 'g' : 0, 'b' : 0 }, 'location' : { 'top': 50, 'left' : 50 }, 'category' : wordpool['CATEGORY'].iloc[list(wordpool['WORD'].values).index(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]))], 'size' : wordpool['SIZE'].iloc[list(wordpool['WORD'].values).index(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0]))], 'wordLength' : len(str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0])), 'firstLetter' : str(re.findall('>(.+)<',row['stimulus'])[0])[0], 'listnum' : row['listNumber'] }) return stimDict # this function loads in the recall data into an array of arrays, where each array represents a list of words def loadRecallData(subid): recalledWords = [] for i in range(0,16): try: f = open(recpath + subid + '/' + subid + '-' + str(i) + '.wav.txt', 'r') spamreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') except (IOError, OSError) as e: try: f = open(recpath + subid + '-' + str(i) + '.wav.txt', 'r') spamreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') except (IOError, OSError) as e: print(e) try: words=[] altformat=True for row in spamreader: if len(row)>1: recalledWords.append(row) altformat=False break else: try: words.append(row[0]) except: pass if altformat: recalledWords.append(words) except: print('couldnt process '+ recpath + subid + '/' + subid + '-' + str(i) + '.wav.txt') return recalledWords # this function computes accuracy for a series of lists def computeListAcc(stimDict,recalledWords): accVec = [] for i in range(0,16): stim = [stim['text'] for stim in stimDict if stim['listnum']==i] recalled= recalledWords[i] acc = 0 tmpstim = stim[:] for word in recalled: if word in tmpstim: tmpstim.remove(word) acc+=1 accVec.append(acc/len(stim)) return accVec def getFeatures(stimDict): stimDict_copy = stimDict[:] for item in stimDict_copy: item['location'] = [item['location']['top'], item['location']['left']] item['color'] = [item['color']['r'], item['color']['g'], item['color']['b']] item.pop('text', None) item.pop('listnum', None) stimDict_copy = [stimDict_copy[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(stimDict_copy), 16)] return stimDict_copy ############################################################################ # main program ############################################################# # if its not a list, make it one if type(dbpath) is not list: dbpath = [dbpath] # read in stimulus library wordpool = pd.read_csv(wordpool) # add custom filters if filters: filter_func = [adaptive_filter, experimeter_filter, experiments_filter] + filters else: filter_func = [adaptive_filter, experimenter_filter, experiments_filter] # load in dbs and convert to df, and filter dfs = [db2df(db, filter_func=filter_func) for db in dbpath] # concatenate the db files df = pd.concat(dfs) # subjects who have completed the exp subids = list(df[df['listNumber']==15]['uniqueid'].unique()) # remove problematic subjects if remove_subs: for sub in remove_subs: try: subids.remove(sub) except: print('Could not find subject: ' + sub + ', skipping...') # set up data structure to load in subjects if groupby: pres = [[] for i in range(len(groupby['exp_version']))] rec = [[] for i in range(len(groupby['exp_version']))] features = [[] for i in range(len(groupby['exp_version']))] subs = [[] for i in range(len(groupby['exp_version']))] # make each groupby item a list groupby = [exp if type(exp) is list else [exp] for exp in groupby['exp_version']] else: pres = [[]] rec = [[]] features = [[]] subs = [[]] # for each subject that completed the experiment for idx,sub in enumerate(subids): # get the subjects data filteredStimData = filterData(df,sub) if filteredStimData['exp_version'].values[0] in experiments: # create stim dict stimDict = createStimDict(filteredStimData) sub_data = pd.DataFrame(stimDict) sub_data['subject']=idx sub_data['experiment']=filteredStimData['exp_version'].values[0] sub_data = sub_data[['experiment','subject','listnum','text','category','color','location','firstLetter','size','wordLength']] # get features from stim dict feats = getFeatures(stimDict) # load in the recall data recalledWords = loadRecallData(sub) # get experiment version exp_version = filteredStimData['exp_version'].values[0] # find the idx of the experiment for this subjects if groupby: exp_idx = list(np.where([exp_version in item for item in groupby])[0]) else: exp_idx = [0] if exp_idx != []: pres[exp_idx[0]].append([list(sub_data[sub_data['listnum']==lst]['text'].values) for lst in sub_data['listnum'].unique()]) rec[exp_idx[0]].append(recalledWords) features[exp_idx[0]].append(feats) subs[exp_idx[0]].append(sub) eggs = [Egg(pres=ipres, rec=irec, features=ifeatures, meta={'ids' : isub}) for ipres,irec,ifeatures,isub in zip(pres, rec, features, subs)] # map feature dictionaries in pres df to rec df def checkword(x): if x is None: return x else: try: return stim_dict[x['item']] except: return x # convert utf-8 bytes type to string def update_types(egg): featlist = list(egg.pres.loc[0].loc[0].values.tolist()[0].keys()) def update1df(df): for sub in range(egg.n_subjects): for liszt in range(egg.n_lists): for item in range(len(df.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist())): for feat in featlist: if feat in df.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist()[item].keys(): if isinstance(df.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist()[item][feat], np.bytes_): try: df.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist()[item][feat] = str(df.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist()[item][feat], 'utf-8') except: print("Subject " + str(sub) + ", list " + str(liszt) + ", item " + str(item) + ", feature " + str(feat) + ": Could not convert type " + str(type(egg.rec.loc[sub].loc[liszt].values.tolist()[item][feat])) + " to string.") update1df(egg.pres) update1df(egg.rec) for egg in eggs: update_types(egg) old_meta = egg.meta temp_eggs = [egg] for i in range(egg.n_subjects): e = egg.crack(subjects=[i]) stim = e.pres.values.ravel() stim_dict = {str(x['item']) : {k:v for k, v in iter(x.items())} for x in stim} e.rec = e.rec.applymap(lambda x: checkword(x)) temp_eggs.append(e) edited_egg = stack_eggs(temp_eggs) mapped_egg = edited_egg.crack(subjects=[i for i in range(egg.n_subjects,egg.n_subjects*2)]) mapped_egg.meta = old_meta eggs[eggs.index(egg)] = mapped_egg if len(eggs)>1: return eggs else: return eggs[0]
[docs]def load_example_data(dataset='automatic'): """ Loads example data The automatic and manual example data are eggs containing 30 subjects who completed a free recall experiment as described here: The subjects studied 8 lists of 16 words each and then performed a free recall test. The naturalistic example data is is an egg containing 17 subjects who viewed and verbally recounted an episode of the BBC series Sherlock, as described here: We fit a topic model to hand-annotated text-descriptions of scenes from the video and used the model to transform both the scene descriptions and manual transcriptions of each subject's verbal recall. We then used a Hidden Markov Model to segment the video model and the recall models, by subject, into k events. Parameters ---------- dataset : str The dataset to load. Can be 'automatic', 'manual', or 'naturalistic'. The free recall audio recordings for the 'automatic' dataset was transcribed by Google Cloud Speech and the 'manual' dataset was transcribed by humans. The 'naturalistic' dataset was transcribed by humans and transformed as described above. Returns ---------- data : quail.Egg Example data """ # can only be auto or manual assert dataset in ['automatic', 'manual', 'naturalistic'], "Dataset can only be automatic, manual, or naturalistic" if dataset == 'naturalistic': # open naturalistic egg egg = Egg(** + '/data/' + dataset + '.egg')) else: # open pickled egg try: with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/data/' + dataset + '.egg', 'rb') as handle: egg = pickle.load(handle) except: f = + '/data/' + dataset + '.egg') egg = Egg(pres=f['pres'], rec=f['rec'], dist_funcs=f['dist_funcs'], subjgroup=f['subjgroup'], subjname=f['subjname'], listgroup=f['listgroup'], listname=f['listname'], date_created=f['date_created']) return egg.crack()